If you are looking for one easy way to drastically improve your chances of meeting weight loss goals, it’s accurately tracking your progress. Here are a 3 helpful ways that you can begin to track (or improve your existing tracking) in order to set you on the path to weight loss success.
What’s in YOUR gym bag?
Guest Post by Sunshine Voelker What’s in your gym bag? Never thought about it? Neither did I until the year I…
Having Patience and Setting Realistic Goals Key to Shedding Baby Weight
Guest Post by Kristin LaFave-Skahan Having a child in my late 30s definitely made me anxious about the process involved…
Ifs, Ands, or Butts
If you put exercising, eating only what you’d planned, and managing your stress in the ‘no choice’ category you take away the inner struggle.
Educate Yourself: The Trial and Error Approach
With so many options to try, exactly how should you know which program is best suited for your needs and lifestyle?
Don’t Find Time, Make Time
The key to actively living a healthy lifestyle is to make time for yourself, formulate a game plan, execute that game plan, and consistently make healthy habits part of your daily routine.