The ultimate wellness challenge

1. Calculate Your Prize – Use our calculator to enter your goal and calculate your winnings. 

2. Make Your Bet – Increase your winnings by adjusting your goal weight, how much you contribute, and the time you expect it to take! Find a prize you like and make your wager! 

3. Lose the Weight – Stay on track throughout the contest with weekly weigh-ins and support from other contestants. 

4. Win Money! – Meet your goal and win your prize! It’s that simple! 

Amanda Stewart

As a mom of two littles, Amanda knows firsthand the struggles of balancing a busy schedule with a healthy lifestyle (hint: it involves coffee...a lot of coffee). Having successfully shed the baby weight (and more!) by implementing a balanced, realistic lifestyle focused on nutrient-rich foods and daily workouts that vary between cardio, weight lifting, and yoga (variety is KEY!), Amanda loves to hear what's worked for others. Overseeing HealthyWage's winners relations, where she gets to chat with participants and learn about their weight loss journey, Amanda enjoys helping our winners share their success and hopefully inspiring others. If you've achieved success with HealthyWage and would like to share your story, please contact Amanda at [email protected].

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