4 Easy Tips to Reorganize Your Kitchen For Weight Loss Success!

If you’re going anywhere near as stir-crazy as I am during quarantine, you are probably also searching far and wide across the corners of the internet for things to do at home. You’ve likely come across suggestions to use this opportunity to clean and reorganize your life, but I’ll take it one step further: here are 4 tips for kitchen organization that will prime you for wellness and weight-loss success!

Prioritize Placement

In a recent article on emotional eating, we described how important it is to remove temptations from your home. Your first line of defense against junk food should be not buying it. But the reality is, most of us will continue to stash a few treats. And even amongst your “healthier” food options, there is certainly a spectrum of nutritional value. 

With this in mind, organize your pantry and fridge according to nutritional priority. Out of sight, out of mind? Put foods like pasta and other empty carbs in the back, way up high, or way down low. Meanwhile, lentils, legumes, fruits, and vegetables should come to the forefront. Keeping the less healthy options out of your line of view will mean that they’ll be less likely to catch your eye and prompt a craving, and you might even forget they are back there! It will also encourage you to reach for the more easily accessible and nutritional foods next time you’re cooking dinner. 

Pre-Portion Your Pantry

This little hack honestly changed my life. I got into the habit of portioning my food when I started packing lunches to take to work at my last job, and realized how significantly it impacted my calorie consumption. If I had only packed a quarter-cup of almonds as a snack, that’s all I was having; when I was out, I was out. No danger of overeating! I started to wonder why couldn’t I apply the same principle to eating at home. 

Right after you bring home the groceries, put any snacks you’ve bought out on the counter alongside your favorite tupperware containers or ziploc baggies. You can use a tracker such as Lose It!  to play around with calories and macros, and allow that to guide what portion sizes you determine are right for you. Then, divide and conquer! Chop, peel, and pour each snack into your containers, and you’re all set. Line up your pre-portioned goodies on the shelf, so that next time you need a little midday fuel you can grab one without any guilt. Some of my favorites are almonds/nut mixes, air-popped popcorn, and veggies & hummus. Do this with meal-prepping as well; rather than putting all of your pot roast in one big container in the fridge, split it up into individual serving sizes so you don’t risk overindulging!

Set Up a Grocery List

Making a list is convenient, practical, and bonus points if you can make it into a cute fridge decor piece! But did you also know it can help you make better food choices and lose weight?

Making a list will encourage you to practice mindful eating habits. When you add an item to the list and see it there day after day, you will have the opportunity to reflect on its value. Maybe you added Cheez-Its, but the more you think about it, you decide that you don’t really need them – or that Triscuits would be a better choice instead. Put your list in a highly visible place, allowing yourself the opportunity to see it and make thoughtful revisions in order to best align with your dietary goals.

Having a grocery list will also significantly reduce the number of impulse-purchases you make at the supermarket, saving you calories and cash! They say to never go shopping when hungry; you also shouldn’t go shopping when you’re unprepared. You may end up with items in your cart that will serve as unhealthy temptations at home, or perishable items that don’t fit into your meal plan as well as you thought.

Use Clear Containers

The way your food is stored can have a huge impact on how you engage with it. Nutritionists recommend storing healthy foods and meals in clear, see-through containers, while putting unhealthier options (like pizza) in opaque containers or foil. You’ll actually be more likely to reach for what you can see!

Personally, I can’t rave enough about switching to mason jars as my preferred food storage option. It makes organization easy by standardizing container sizes, allows you to buy in bulk and reduce the amount of plastic packaging you consume, and it looks amazing! Furthermore, it allows me to see exactly what quantities I have left, meaning I’m less likely to overbuy, or forget to pick something up when I’m running low. Finally, clear tupperware, plastic, and glass jars that are tightly sealed can contribute to your food staying fresher longer.

Now that your kitchen is organized and you’re prepped for success, check out the HealthyWager. It’s an individual weight loss challenge customized to you where you pick your weight loss goal, timeframe you want to lose it in, and prize (up to $10,000)! Ready to get started? Enter your information in the HealthyWage Prize Calculator to find out how much you can win!

Kelly O'Donnel

An avid Colorado outdoors enthusiast, fitness for me means engaging in a lifestyle I enjoy! You can find me on the weekends hiking in the Rocky Mountains with a dog I've borrowed, or traveling to a new place to run an adventure race. A clinical researcher by training, I'm passionate about applying evidence-based principles to wellness.

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