Get Paid to Lose Weight – Seriously.

Unless you’ve been under a rock for the past year, you’ve heard about (or are maybe using) the new injectable weight loss medications. But, what you may not have heard about is HealthyWage. It’s an app that pays individuals up to $10,000 for weight loss – even to people using weight loss medications!

Crazy, right?! I thought so too when I saw their TV commercial, but I was definitely intrigued. I mean, who doesn’t want to win money for getting healthier? I started researching and found thousands of winners singing their praises and saw where they’ve been featured on The Today Show, Good Morning America, and The Doctors to name a few.

Feeling confident (and highly motivated) I signed up for a personal challenge, investing $85 a month for 10 months to lose 45 pounds. When I reached my goal I would win $2,030.

Fast forward to now— this is me and I did it!

I lost 45 pounds, received my check for $2,030, and I feel amazing! I truly have never been so motivated. I knew I was 100% in control of the outcome – that my choices would guarantee success or failure – and I refused to not win. Having this bet on myself almost made weight loss … fun!  My only regret is not starting sooner. But don’t just take my word for it, check out these other powerhouses I met in the HealthyWage community. (Which, BTW, is one of the best parts about HealthyWage. Such a supportive group of people who are all on a journey themselves).

Rusella J. lost 86 lbs and won $6,540!

“I was pre-diabetic, and my depression and anxiety were out of control. I knew I had to get healthier for not only myself, but for my kids too. With the help of weight loss medication and HealthyWage, I’m down 86 pounds and loving my life!”

Charlotte L. lost 35 lbs and won $1,079!

“I always knew I could lose weight, I just never had a good enough reason to do it.

The will I already had coupled with the prospect of a reward from HealthyWage, allowed me to finally hit that 15-in-the-year-making goal!”

Zanobia J. lost 51 lbs and won $2,100!

“I’m 51 years old and I lost 51 pounds! Past me never finished what I started, but this time I refused to give up on myself. I’ll admit, I was skeptical at first, but HealthyWage has changed my life for the better. I finally hit my goal weight, I feel great, and I won $2,100!”

Morgan K. lost 106 lbs and won $3,857!

“Between my two HealthyWage challenges, I’ve lost 106 pounds. I haven’t been this size since I was in elementary school! The improvements to my health and stamina have been phenomenal! I’ve really gotten into and have found a passion with weight lifting, which I would have never discovered without this journey. And I now love going out and playing sports with my kids…I would have dreaded something like this in the past!”

Jessica M. lost 83 lbs and won $2,615!

“I’ve never been able to stick with anything long-term before, but this time I had money on the line. It was wonderful motivation. HealthyWage helped me stick with it and now I don’t hide from pictures anymore. I feel a lot better about myself, and I’m glad that I’m setting a good example for my kids.”

Ijeoma U. lost 44 lbs and won $999!

“When I stumbled upon HealthyWage, I initially didn’t think it was real. So, I did some research and found it to be genuine. It felt great to have another awesome reason to stay on track with my weight loss goal: MONEY!!! Now, I feel healthy, beautiful, and young…and everyone is asking me what the secret is 😉

Kari B. lost 100 lbs and won $1,686!

“When my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic, I knew I needed a change. HealthyWage kept me on track and focused! The gaming aspect of weight loss really motivated me to stay on  track and think twice about that second helping!“

And there are so many more inspiring stories like these. I know it sounds too good to be true, but it’s not. If you stick to your goal and lose the weight you say you’re going to, HealthyWage pays you. Lose weight, win money — it’s as simple as that. Plus, you’re not required to purchase any meal plans or shakes. You have the flexibility to lose weight your way – even with the help of weight loss medications! If you’re interested (why wouldn’t you be?!), keep reading for additional details and how you can sign up.

How Does HealthyWager Work?

If you want to get paid to lose weight, here’s how to get started:

1. Start with the HealthyWage Prize Calculator, where you’ll enter how much weight you want to lose (10-150 pounds, minimum 10% of your starting weight), how long you’ll take (6 to 18 months) and how much you want to bet ($35-$200/month).

Based on that information, the calculator will determine your prize amount, up to $10,000. You can play with the calculator until you get the payout and goal just right, and you’ll know your payout amount before officially placing your bet.

2. Sign up and lay down your bet. You agree to pay the monthly amount for the duration of the challenge.

3. Achieve your weight-loss goal, and win your prize!

You’ll start and end your challenge with a video-recorded weigh-in to demonstrate your weight loss. Throughout the challenge, it’s recommended that you use the HealthyWage app to log weekly weigh-ins (these are just self-reported, not verified by video). It’s a great way to keep yourself accountable and on track to meeting your goal!

4. If you don’t hit your goal, your money goes to support HealthyWage, including prizes for others who achieve their goals.

Ready to get started? Enter your information in the HealthyWage Prize Calculator to find out how much you can win!

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