How These Moms Got Paid for Getting Healthy

After giving birth to her fist child, Erin H. looked into HealthyWage for weight loss motivation. “When I was pregnant, I gained 50 pounds, and was at my heaviest weight postpartum. While I was so grateful for what my body did for my child, I missed the body I had before. I hated the way I felt, moved, and looked.”

Erin bet that she’d lose 50 pounds in 7 months. “I used the money as serious motivation and looked at the goal as non-negotiable.”

When Erin’s final weigh-out confirmed she had hit her 50-pound weight loss goal, she won $2,700!

“I’ve never been more proud of myself for accomplishing something that I’ve never been able to do before. I’m stronger and healthier now than I’ve ever been, and that’s the greatest gift I can give to my child right now: the promise that I’m doing everything I can to be here for him and be healthy.”

UPDATE (May 2024): After having her second child, Erin returned to HealthyWage where she won $3,000 for losing 50 pounds in 10 months!

“This time I bet more money and I was so motivated to not lose it! But this second and last time was also much harder. Life is more complicated, my body has changed after both pregnancies. So to say I’m proud of myself for getting to the finish line and winning my $3000 would the understatement of my year!”

After hitting 225 pounds after her third pregnancy, Amanda L. was ready for a change. “I never [lost] the baby weight between my second and third child, so it just kept stacking on during my third pregnancy.” Tired of living in maternity clothes, Amanda decided to sign up with HealthyWage after coming across it on Facebook. “I needed the motivation to get my butt in gear. So, I decided to sign up and just go for it.”

Amanda bet that she would lose 70 pounds in 6 months.

“I’m money-motivated. I refused to lose my money and told myself that if I win, I’m going to buy myself a new wardrobe. I used [HealthyWage] both as motivation to get my money back and win more.”

In addition to watching her food intake and keeping her meals simple, this mom of three was resourceful when it came to squeezing in workouts. “With my husband often away for work, I used the gym’s daycare. You can use it for two hours a day, so I soaked it up. I’d work out, use the sauna, and treat that as me time.”

When Amanda’s final weigh-in confirmed she had met her goal, she won $3,041!

“I feel like I’m back to my normal self,” she says. “I love the way I look now when I look in the mirror. I know that sounds vain, but I feel so much better. It’s motivation to keep going. It’s just set me up to do more in my life now. I’m ready to conquer and do more.”

Get Paid to Lose Weight — Seriously

It sounds too good to be true, but it’s not. If you stick to your goal and lose the weight you say you’re going to, HealthyWage pays you. Lose weight, win money — it’s as simple as that. 

Check out these other recent HealthyWager success stories:

Jamilah W. was intrigued with HealthyWage by the fact she could win money for losing weight. Ready to make her health and herself a priority, she signed up and won $1,406 for losing 51 pounds! “After having three children (two a year apart from one another), I was the biggest I had ever been. Losing this weight has given me my confidence back and my self esteem is WAY up.”

Alyssa S. joined HealthyWage and won $1,308 for losing 50 pounds! “It all started after having my second child. I was determined to make healthier choices and decided to take a year to focus on my habits. I worked with a nutritionist to ensure I was doing things the right way and to hopefully keep my nursing supply to feed my child (as the formula shortages were very prevalent and scary). I started to change my lifestyle habits, eating better, and exercising more consistently. One of the biggest parts of my success was that my husband was doing [a HealthyWager] with me. We did our best to support and encourage each other, especially when we wanted to quit.”

Find the Motivation You Need

For Amanda L., it was cold-hard cash that helped her stay on track to reaching her goal. “I’m money-motivated. I refused to lose my money and told myself that if I win, I’m going to buy myself a new wardrobe. I used [HealthyWage] both as motivation to get my money back and win more.”

You put up the collateral and choose your payout amount. You conduct your weigh-ins. You choose your weight-loss goal and time frame.

In addition to facilitating her bet, HealthyWage’s progress tracker helped Amanda stay on track with reaching her goal. “My goal was to stay ahead of the progress tracker. If I saw the tracker was catching up to me, I knew I needed to push myself to get ahead.”

How Does HealthyWager Work?

Now 70 pounds lighter, Amanda has seen how her weight loss has not only affected how she feels about herself, but also how her newfound confidence and energy has made her a better mom, wife, friend, and daughter.  “I feel like I’m back to my normal self,” she says. “I love the way I look now when I look in the mirror. I know that sounds vain, but I feel so much better. It’s motivation to keep going. It’s just set me up to do more in my life now. I’m ready to conquer and do more.”

If you want to get paid to lose weight, here’s how to get started:

1. Start with the HealthyWage Prize Calculator, where you’ll enter how much weight you want to lose (10-150 pounds, minimum 10% of your starting weight), how long you’ll take (6 to 18 months) and how much you want to bet ($35-$200/month).

Based on that information, the calculator will determine your prize amount, up to $10,000. You can play with the calculator until you get the payout and goal just right, and you’ll know your payout amount before officially placing your bet.

2. Sign up and lay down your bet. You agree to pay the monthly amount for the duration of the challenge.

3. Achieve your weight-loss goal, and win your prize!

You’ll start and end your challenge with a video-recorded weigh-in to demonstrate your weight loss. Throughout the challenge, it’s recommended that you use the HealthyWage app to log weekly weigh-ins (these are just self-reported, not verified by video). It’s a great way to keep yourself accountable and on track to meeting your goal!

4. If you don’t hit your goal, your money goes to support HealthyWage, including prizes for others who achieve their goals.

Ready to get started? Enter your information in the HealthyWage Prize Calculator to find out how much you can win!

Amanda Stewart

As a mom of two littles, Amanda knows firsthand the struggles of balancing a busy schedule with a healthy lifestyle (hint: it involves coffee...a lot of coffee). Having successfully shed the baby weight (and more!) by implementing a balanced, realistic lifestyle focused on nutrient-rich foods and daily workouts that vary between cardio, weight lifting, and yoga (variety is KEY!), Amanda loves to hear what's worked for others. Overseeing HealthyWage's winners relations, where she gets to chat with participants and learn about their weight loss journey, Amanda enjoys helping our winners share their success and hopefully inspiring others. If you've achieved success with HealthyWage and would like to share your story, please contact Amanda at [email protected].

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