How Jenn Won $11,000 for Losing 50 Pounds

“I’ve been a yo-yo dieter my whole life and was never able to stick with anything,” says Jenn G. “I have hypothyroidism, am insulin resistant, and have had other major health issues. I was binge eating to cope with the stress and gained a large amount of weight as a result of it. I could feel my health deteriorating day by day and knew I had to make a change. I have three children who need me to be around for a long time and was ready to commit to making my health a priority.”

While working through her depression, Jenn G. was ready to tackle her weight. “I was just scrolling one night on social media when I couldn’t sleep,” and came across HealthyWage. “I was at a point where I was at the end of my rope with my weight and I knew [HealthyWage] was what I needed to help keep me accountable.”

Jenn placed a bet on her weight loss that she would lose 50 pounds in 6 months.

“I started working out regularly but when it came to what I was eating, I needed accountability. I kept setting up to follow a nutrition plan, but then this would happen in life or that, and I’d be right back to ordering takeout and consuming a large amount of calories in one sitting.”

To help tackle her nutrition, Jenn started listening to audiobooks on various nutrition plans. “Educating myself was a huge component when it came to my eating.” Jenn started practicing intermittent fasting and a calorie deficit diet, and immediately begin seeing changes on and off the scale. “It was hard, but thanks to HealthyWage, I found what works for me to lose weight and will stick with it even into my maintenance journey to make sure I don’t put the weight back on.”

When Jenn’s final weigh-out confirmed she had hit her goal of 50 pounds, she won $11,000!

Get Paid to Lose Weight — Seriously

It sounds too good to be true, but it’s not. If you stick to your goal and lose the weight you say you’re going to, HealthyWage pays you. Lose weight, win money — it’s as simple as that. 

Check out these other recent HealthyWager success stories:

Amanda D. signed up with HealthyWage for weight loss motivation and won $1,243 for losing 52 pounds! “After having 2 kids, 20 months apart, I gained a lot of weight. I struggled to find motivation to lose it, even though I did want to lose it. When I started HealthyWage, it was great motivation and really helped me stay focused and keep track. As a military wife, I did not have any friends close by to diet with or help motivate me, so this was great. When I joined, I was struggling with depression due to several deaths in our family. I ate my feelings and ended up gaining weight; I went from 191 to 205. I refused to quit and was able to find a diet that worked, and used HealthyWage to keep me going. I weighed out at 138. I feel better, more comfortable, healthy and confident. Plus, I can finally wear my wedding ring again!”

Mandie S. looked into HealthyWage after hitting a plateau in her weight loss journey and won $2,460 for losing 81 pounds. “HealthyWage came into play because I started to get complacent and comfortable in my journey. It was positive reinforcement and motivation because I had a reward to look forward to. It pushed me harder to reach my weight loss goal because I wasn’t going to waste money and I wanted to win money for new clothes that fit and Christmas gifts for my kids.”

Find the Motivation You Need

For Jenn, investing in herself was key to weight loss success. “I decided to lose weight with HealthyWage because I was betting on myself. I’m a really competitive person, so anything I can gamify, I know will help me. I knew I wouldn’t allow myself no matter what to fall back into old habits and lose that money.”

That’s an important key to this challenge. HealthyWage isn’t a diet program or weight loss regimen. While you’ll benefit from joining the community, reading tips and exchanging recipes, the company’s main purpose is facilitating your bet.

You put up the collateral and choose your payout amount. You conduct your weigh-ins. You choose your weight-loss goal and time frame.

“I love the fact that you could choose your own pathway to success with HealthyWage. What works for one person, may work for the next. Having the flexibility to choose what I felt would work for me, knowing myself and knowing the journey that I wanted to take, and the results that I wanted, was wonderful.”

After incorporating healthy and sustainable habits into her daily lifesyle and losing 50 pounds, Jenn feels better now more than ever.

“The amount that I’m able to do now without being out of breath, without pausing multiple times and taking breaks, it’s just night and day,” she says. “And the amount of energy I can now give to my kids is amazing. When I take them to the park, I’m actually able to play a game of tag with them because I now have the energy to do it. I didn’t have that before. It’s been great.”

How Does HealthyWager Work?

If you want to get paid to lose weight, here’s how to get started:

1. Start with the HealthyWage Prize Calculator, where you’ll enter how much weight you want to lose (10-150 pounds, minimum 10% of your starting weight), how long you’ll take (6 to 18 months) and how much you want to bet ($35-$200/month).

Based on that information, the calculator will determine your prize amount, up to $10,000. You can play with the calculator until you get the payout and goal just right, and you’ll know your payout amount before officially placing your bet.

2. Sign up and lay down your bet. You agree to pay the monthly amount for the duration of the challenge.

3. Achieve your weight-loss goal, and win your prize!

You’ll start and end your challenge with a video-recorded weigh-in to demonstrate your weight loss. Throughout the challenge, it’s recommended that you use the HealthyWage app to log weekly weigh-ins (these are just self-reported, not verified by video). It’s a great way to keep yourself accountable and on track to meeting your goal!

4. If you don’t hit your goal, your money goes to support HealthyWage, including prizes for others who achieve their goals.

Ready to get started? Enter your information in the HealthyWage Prize Calculator to find out how much you can win!

Amanda Stewart

As a mom of two littles, Amanda knows firsthand the struggles of balancing a busy schedule with a healthy lifestyle (hint: it involves coffee...a lot of coffee). Having successfully shed the baby weight (and more!) by implementing a balanced, realistic lifestyle focused on nutrient-rich foods and daily workouts that vary between cardio, weight lifting, and yoga (variety is KEY!), Amanda loves to hear what's worked for others. Overseeing HealthyWage's winners relations, where she gets to chat with participants and learn about their weight loss journey, Amanda enjoys helping our winners share their success and hopefully inspiring others. If you've achieved success with HealthyWage and would like to share your story, please contact Amanda at [email protected].

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