Spring has sprung, and with it is the return of a delicious variety of fresh and healthy produce. Whether you’re currently on your weight loss journey or just want to maintain those healthy habits, check out our favorite healthy spring meals that are sure to satisfy your appetite without sabotaging your weight loss:
Grilled Salmon with Greek Salad

Spinach & Egg Scramble with Raspberries

Chicken, Green Bean, and Bacon Pasta

Spinach-Strawberry Salad with Feta & Walnuts

Easy Three Cheese Vegetarian Sausage Lasagna

Now that you’ve checked out our favorite healthy spring meals, here’s a weight loss recipe that’s sure to deliver the motivation you need: start a HealthyWager, the individual weight loss challenge customized to you! You pick your weight loss goal, the timeframe you want to lose it in, and prize (up to $10,000)! Ready to get started? Enter your information in the HealthyWage Prize Calculator to find out how much you can win!
What are some of your favorite healthy spring meals? Comment and share below!