I just typed “detox diets” into my web browser, and was surprised to see over 2 million ‘hits’ for all types of programs and products, to lose weight, get more energy, grow younger—just by “de-toxing. If you are feeling sluggish and bloated, is a detox diet the answer?
Smart Shopping: Diet-wise grocery shopping strategy and label reading tips
Buyer beware: many supermarkets are not designed with a dieter’s best interest at heart.
Avoid stress-related overeating through simple diet strategies
Modify! Alleviate dietary anxiety by modifying your favorite recipes to lower the fat and calories! Have your cake and eat…
How to Choose a Diet Program
To help health seekers choose the best diet program to meet their unique needs, here are some tips on how to select a plan based on individual lifestyle and food preferences.
Workplace Snack Strategies
Work can be a disaster for your diet, especially if you’re in an office that stocks vending machines with high-calorie chips and candy bars. Soda wreaks havoc on a diet as it is comprised of empty liquid calories, more than 250 in just one 20-ounce bottle. If you’re not prepared to succeed, you can easily succumb to a snack-attack and add hundreds of unwanted and non-nutritious calories.
Healthy Potato Chips Not an Oxymoron
When a packaged food is so high in fat relative to its serving size, it’s hard to call it “healthy”,…