After struggling through a difficult year, Becky W. was ready to make some changes in her life. “I was dragging my body out of bed every morning. I didn’t have any energy to play with my kids,” she recalls. “It was time to do something. I wanted to feel good about myself.”
Aware that Becky was trying to lose weight, a coworker mentioned HealthyWage to her. “I was ready to lose weight and figured, if I’m going to do it, I might as well make it fun and exciting.”
Becky bet $100 a month for 6 months that she would lose 50 pounds. She reached her goal and won $1,690!
Once an avid runner, Becky was eager to get back and had started training for a half marathon when she started her HealthyWager Challenge. By scheduling out at least 30 minutes of cardio training each day and focusing on lean meats and good carbs in her diet, Becky successfully shed 50 pounds in 6 months. She also credits the support she received from family and friends as motivation for reaching her goal. “I have a wonderful husband who helped make it possible for me to workout.”
Now 50 pounds lighter and successfully running again, Becky is thrilled she did the HealthyWager Challenge. “I have more confidence now,” Becky exclaims. “It’s fun now to put on and try different outfits. The other day, I tried on a size 5 and it fit!”